Online Tantric education center
Lectures on the history and particular practices of “classical” Tantra including the philosophical approach, meditation (pratyabhijñā), the “sacred” approach to the body and sexuality, consciousness in dreams, Kundalini.
Links to similar practices from other spiritual approaches are also discussed in order to gain a broader perspective of these fascinating topics.
Click the button below for registration information, prices and course schedule.
Classes are only given French for now on our new course site:
Centre Summum Academia
Classes in English are given when sufficient people have shown interest. Contact us via the Contact page. Visit the French side of our web site for more courses.
For ALL classes,
click the button below to get more info:
How to reach us:
All our classes are now given online (with rare exceptions).
We are based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Class days and times are now yours: watch classes whenever you like.
Our courses are online at academia.centresummum.com