Our ONLINE classes
Here are more detailed descriptions of our classes.
Discover our classes
The information on this English page is not as up to date as the information on the similar French page. Visit the French page here: https://centresummum.com/cours/ or consult the academia website at https://academia.centresummum.com
(Not all courses are presently available)

Free information session – discover the SUMMUM Center and what the Tantras are about.
Discover our conferences, our class space, our speaker, our approach!
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Information session
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
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Online information session – discover the SUMMUM Center!
SUMMUM is an online educational center that organizes innovative and inspiring conferences on the most advanced methods of self-transformation from various regions of the globe, throughout history.
Our conferences deal with the following themes: sacred sexuality or tantric love, meditation, kundalini, alchemy, myths and realities of astral travel and other psychic skills, lucid dreams, chakras, the concept of “liberation” (moksha ) according to oriental systems and so much more. You want to know the secrets of groups such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Hermetics, Martinists, Gnostics, the Lurianic Kabbalists, Cathars, Sufis (and many others) without having to join these groups and without have to believe anything
Presentation outline:
- Word of welcome
- Presentation of the founder and lecturer: Stéphane Richer
- Presentation of the courses and the philosophy of SUMMUM,
- Discussion about the course schedule and registration for those interested.
- Question period and friendly discussion
Book early – seats are limited!
Following this presentation, you may be interested in one of these 2 hour “discovery” courses:
- The history of Sacred Sex and its ties with Tantra
- What is astral projection
- Meditation: the mental martial art
Or you might want to dive into one of our more developed courses (12 hours) on the similar topics:
- EVERYTHING about Sacred Sex
- Lucid dreaming and astral travel
- Meditation, wake-up from the slumber of the world
- Kundalini. Its nature and awakening according to the schools of the East and the West (it is suggested to take this course after “EVERYTHING about Sacred Sex”)
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Presenter : Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM (https://centresummum.com/en/about-us/#founder). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Come discover SUMMUM and its historic, anthropological and spiritual approach to sacred sexuality.
Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price: Free
Registration: Consult the academia website at https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/presentation/
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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Tantra 1: the history of sacred sexuality and its ties with Tantra (2 hours)
Presentation on a rarely explained topic !
Come learn about the fascinating origins and importance of sacred sex throughout history and its relation with the Tantras.
Click here for more info...
Introduction: the history of sacred sexuality / Tantric Love (2 hours)
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
Special presentation on a rarely discussed subject: the fascinating history of sacred sexuality / tantra.
- Learn the origins and the importance of this sexual practice throughout history.
- Learn about the interesting exchanges between the civilizations of Egypt and the ancient Dravidian culture of India on the themes of the energy of life and its accumulation, before the writing of Vedas and the birth of yoga.
- Realize that this practice was, later one, not only important in Indian traditions (Tantra) but also taught in a large number of cultures through the centuries.
- Follow the complex thread of how this teaching was transmitted through the various esoteric schools of Europe (Hermetism, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, etc.), especially during the 18th and 19th centuries, in order to grasp where the teachings of ‘today come from.
- Understand the benefits of our six-week extended course
- Understand the reasons for the physical, energetical and spiritual transformations, the states of well-being, the closeness and increased love experienced by couples who are doing these various types of “practices”.
- Discover one of the most powerful methods for your inner the development and for the awakening of the famous energy of “Kundalini” (one of the purposes of most forms of Yoga).
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A pdf document of the notes presented on the screen
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
After this class you may be interested in our more advanced class on the same topic: Tantra 2: EVERYTHING about Sacred Sex.
To see all our courses: go to https://academia.centresummum.com/
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Presenter: Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM. (https://centresummum.com/en/about-us#founder). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Where: In your house! All courses are given online
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 32 (+taxes)
Registration: Go here to register: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/tantra1
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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One class (2h)
Click on REGISTER to see when this course is given.

Tantra 2: Everything about Sacred Sex (six modules, 117 videos)
Sex, a tool to better one’s life?
Discover how to practice these ancient techniques to reach higher levels of personal development.
Click here for more info...
Tantra 2: Everything about Sacred Sex
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
What is it about?
SACRED SEXUALITY. We will cover ALL the details of this ancient and powerful practice in SIX modules.
SEXUAL ENERGY wisely used, both by singles and couples, is said to be the most powerful force for the improvement of all aspects of life. Health, happiness, spirituality, mental clarity, etc.
What is Tantra?
Tantras are books of wisdom written by sages such as Abhinavagupta, Kshemaraja, Somananda, Uptaladeva between the 5th and 15th century in the North of India. These books are almost devoid of any mention of sexuality but contain one of the most powerful philosophy to aid sacred sexuality practices from many cultures around the world.
These formidable practices were hidden until the middle of the last century. Its benefits would be stupendous and its practice would involve a marvelous game with desire, pleasure, love, and awareness.
If the habitual relationship with sexuality generates satiety and possibly estrangement from partners, sacred sexuality generates fullness and a perpetual state of urge towards the other. Sacred sexuality can also bring about magnificent inner metamorphoses and lead to a notable spiritual awakening. For singles, this new relationship with sexual energy helps to totally change our outlook on life, to be even more prepared to enjoy any future relationship and much more.
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Open to couples and singles alike. No nudity (or couple practices on site) during this course which is mainly theoretical, the practices are done at home. Thus, no couple’s practices, no touching or nudity. No need to have taken a class with Summum beforehand.
Here is the content covered during these 6 weeks:
- Discover a self-transformation approach based on the ancient practices of sacred sexuality.
- Understand the origins and significance of tantric sexuality not only as described in Indian traditions but also as secretly taught and in a wide variety of cultures through the centuries.
- Discover how to practice these ancient techniques to refine your sexual activity and to make your life force circulate throughout yourself, enhancing both mind and body.
- Share the physical, energetic and spiritual transformation with your partner to experience a state of wellbeing, closeness and growing love.
- Develop a deep mind-body connection for more inner strength and lucidity in your life.
- Understand how this practice has been used to achieve high levels of personal and spiritual development.
- Regenerate your entire being with these formerly secret techniques and make great strides with one of the most powerful tools on your spiritual journey and to awaken Kundalini
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A total of 6 pdf documents of the notes presented on the screen, including a bibliography of sources (sent once)
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
This class can be preceded by our (optional) introduction course: the history of sacred sexuality and its ties with Tantra (when this course is available).
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Presenter : Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM (https://centresummum.com/en/about-us#founder). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 240 (+taxes)
Registration: Go here to register: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/tantra2
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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Six modules-class. Click on REGISTER to see when this course is given.

Dream Yoga 1: What is astral projection? (2 hours)
What is an astral travel? What is the history of this practice?
Lecture on “out-of-body experiences” (aka astral travel) and its history.
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What is astral projection. History, myths and realities (2 hours)
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
Presentation and discussion on “out-of-body” experiences also called astral travel!
- What they are
- Why one would want to experience it
- All that you can do during such an experience
- Discover how this tool can expand your consciousness
- Understand the benefits of our six-week extended course
- To what extent this has been known and practiced throughout time and across many cultures.
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A pdf document of the notes presented on the screen
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
After this class, you may be interested in our more advanced class on the same topic: Lucid dreaming and astral projections.
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Presenter: Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM. (https://centresummum.com/en/Founder/). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for more than 35 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 32 (+taxes)
Registration: Go here to register: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/yogareve1
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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One class (2 hours). Click on REGISTER to attend.

Dream Yoga 2: Lucid dreaming and astral projections (six modules classe)
Come to our complete class to discover the techniques to experiment these altered states of consciousness and to verify their veracity and purposes for yourself.
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Dream Yoga 2: Lucid dreaming and astral projections (6 modules)
Come discover the theory and practice of lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences.
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
- Learn a tool to expand one’s consciousness that has been known and practiced throughout time by various cultures …
- Learn the why and the how of these surprising tools • Learn to fly out of your body in complete freedom and total lucidity.
- Develop the ability to lucid dream and explore the world of dreams.
- Learn how to summon aspects of your subconscious mind during lucid dreams and meditate on them.
- We will review the various existing techniques and see how to use the best of each of them.
- We will analyze the various fears related to these techniques and discover how to proceed safely to have positive experiences in this fascinating universe that is the astral world.
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A total of 6 pdf documents of the notes presented on the screen, including a bibliography of sources (sent once)
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
This class is preceded by the (optional) “discovery” course: Dream Yoga 1: what is astral projection (when this course is available).
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Presenter: Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM. (https://centresummum.com/en/Founder/). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 240 (+taxes)
Registration: Choose this event (if offered) here: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/yogareve2
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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Six modules classe. Click on REGISTER for more info.

Meditation 1: the heart of meditation (2 hours
Presentation that covers the core reasons for its practice, its history, and the one-minute meditation.
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Meditation 1: The heart of meditation
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
Two hour presentation that covers this mental art form, its history, the why of its practice and the one-minute meditation.
Meditation is everywhere. At the heart of the practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, yoga, Islam, Christianity and other newer forms of spirituality but also of medical practice.
- Discover how this practice can be considered a form of inner martial art
- Learn how this has been practiced throughout history and in many cultures
- Understand the why and the many benefits of this art
- Learn a simple but very powerful form of one-minute meditation
- Understand the benefits of our six-week extended course
- To know the particular details of many types of meditation
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A pdf document of the notes presented on the screen
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
At the end of this class you may be interested to enroll in our 6-modules Meditation 2 class which is much more about the practice itself.
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Presenter: Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM (https://centresummum.com/en/about-us#founder). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with over 100 thousand readers.
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Imagine experiencing a moment of life, without negativity, after just 1 minute? Come discover how this has been done for centuries by those who practice meditation.
Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 32 (+taxes)
Registration: Choose this event (if offered) here: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/meditation1
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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One class (2 hours). Click on REGISTER for more info.

Meditation 2: waking-up from the slumber of the world (six modules)
Learn over 40 types of meditation instead of just one.
Our approaches were taught in ancient sacred schools since the dawn of time. Open to beginners and advanced practicioners.
Click here for more info...
Meditation 2: waking from the slumber of the world (6 modules)
Learn how to meditate.
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
Meditation is everywhere. At the heart of the practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, yoga, Islam, Christianity and other newer forms of spirituality but also of medical practice. Therefore, there are numerous varieties of meditation. The types of meditation that interest us aim at freeing the mind from negatives elements that have accumulated within ourselves and continue to accumulate every day. The types that interest us also aim at developing a meditative state of mind that can be sustained throughout the day and even during our sleep to help us generate lucid dreams and much more.
- The types of meditation we will be exploring aim at freeing the mind of its limitations and unleash our true nature.
- With each successive class, we will learn gradually more and more advanced methods.
- We will develop our capacity for attention, observation, and awareness towards ourselves, towards the immediate environment, to our reactions to everything. Our goal being that this attention generates an instant understanding effect of what is seen and our inner reactions to it. Effectively “digesting” negative impressions as they come.
- The course will explore variations of what is called mindfulness meditation, applied specifically to the movements of the mind and less to just the tangible and external body sensations (although their impact on our being will also be considered).
These approaches have been taught in many schools of self-transformation. All can benefit from them. Both beginners and advanced practitioners of meditation are welcome.
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A total of 6 pdf documents of the notes presented on the screen, including a bibliography of sources (sent once)
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
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Presenter: Stephane Richer. Founder of Centre SUMMUM. (https://centresummum.com/en/Founder/). Presenter at various festivals such as OpenMind, Timeless, Space Gathering and EarthDance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and sacred sexuality (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand readers.
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Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 240 (+taxes)
Registration: Choose this event (if offered) here: https://academia.centresummum.com/courses/meditation2
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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Class of 6 modules. Click on REGISTER for more info.

Tantra 3: Kundalini. Its nature and awakening according to the schools of the East and the West (6 modules class)
Theoretical and practical course with home assignments. Discover its history, its why, its benefits, its dangers, the techniques for its safe awakening, the chakras and much more.
Click here for more info...
Tantra 3: Kundalini. Its nature and awakening according to the schools of the East and the West (six modules)
[ Ce cours est aussi donné en français, consultez notre calendrier : https://centresummum.com/Inscriptions ]
In-depth exploration of what the Kundalini is. Advanced theoretical and practical course. Its history, why and its benefits, its dangers, the techniques of its safe awakening, the chakras and much more.
Kundalini is often described as a potent energy that would be “sleeping” within each of us. It’s awakening could lead to the ultimate development of any human being.
Nothing less. Hence its importance!
This series of 6 classes will include a theoretical part as well as many practices drawn from Yoga, various occidental esoteric schools (gnosticism, hermeticism, martinism, rosicrucianism) and mostly classical Tantra (Non-dual Kashmir Shaivism or Trika). After all, the word Kundalini comes mostly from the Tantras. This course assumes that you already have a clear understanding and ideally some practice related to channeling sexual energy both as a couple and as a celibate. Kundalini being mainly composed of sexual energy, a different approach to sex is necessarily essential.
We will explore the deeper meaning of this force and discover the multiple practices of preparation and unblocking of inner channels to allow for the efficient circulation of this energy.
Here is what will be seen during these 6 weeks:
- What is Kundalini and what are its multiple functions, benefits and goals.
- The origins of the Kundalini and how it can be found, expressed differently, in many cultures throughout history.
- The various theories and practices surrounding its activation process and what this activation is about.
- The fictitious and real dangers of this force.
- The particular invisible physiology of this energy in the different “bodies” of the human being according to various traditions
- The “vrittis” (petals) of each chakra and how they could be the keys to their expansion.
- How it has been used for self-improvement and spiritual development, even when asleep.
- How to gradually manage to generate secure manifestations of this potentiality. You will have practical “assignments” to do at home from the very first few weeks so you can attempt to explore the various approaches yourself.
- And a lot, LOT more!
The price of the course also includes the following:
- A total of 6 pdf documents of the notes presented on the screen, including a bibliography of sources (sent once)
- Access to the recordings of each course, viewable whenever you want
- The possibility of asking questions by e-mail after the course has ended.
Circulate the event by sharing it with your friends who might be interested!
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Presenter: Stéphane Richer. Founder of the SUMMUM Center. Presenter at various festivals such as Openmind, Timeless, Space Gathering and Earthdance. Speaker on the subject for 40 years. Author of the texts of a Facebook page on the topic of Kundalini and Tantric love (https://www.facebook.com/Kundalini-140971995120/) with close to 100 thousand subscribers.
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Kundalini, the most powerful energy within? Attend our course to discover its multiple facets and safe awakening methods.
Where: In your house! This course will be given online.
Price (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $CAN 240 (+taxes)
Registration: Choose this event (if offered) here: https://academia.centresummum.com/
For more information: info@centresummum.com ||| www.centresummum.com ||| www.facebook.com/CentreSummum
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